Thursday, January 27, 2011


I'd like to take this time to congratulate Wall Street for pulling off the greatest heist is American history. Good work gang! Not only did you rape America but you did it with a golden condom provided by Uncle Sam.

Today, the Dow Industrial Average hit 12,000 points. The first time this has happened since 2008. Today the bottom feeders on Wall Street are patting themselves on the back for being the smartest guys in the room. Today, the American people, the backbone of this country, are still fucked.

For years unbridled consumption and scheming while artificially inflating the market to an unrealistic, unstable level has gone unchecked. After all, wouldn't that hurt our free market free enterprise spirit? And so our financial boom was as much a self sustaining system as taking steroids is a path to a successful athletic career.

And true to form, it hit the fan as shit tends to and the rats went running for higher ground. Soon the very people who were saying that ANY government involvement in our financial sector was akin to socialism was now begging the government to swoop in and save the day. Wall Street, who fixed the game for years to play in their favor so that they could take home multi-million dollar bonuses chirped the end of the world was near. Bankers, who had been using their team of lawyers to screw hardworking middle class Americans out of their lives, their lively hoods, and their homes plummeting one individual after another into debt and writing off their futures with the stroke of the pen began crying that the collapse could destroy the dollar. And the big 3 auto makers who had been warned for years that if they didn't begin to plan ahead towards a sustainable industry the way Asia was that they would see their extinction but instead chose to outfit every dimwitted soccer mom with a gas guzzling SUV had found themselves in the tar pits begging that they don't want to become extinct.

So, like an eagle to the nest, momma bird Washington swooped in and bailed out one ungrateful little brat after the other. TARP, the Stimulus, the Auto Industry seemed everyone was fine with socialism once they were up shit creek. And where did Uncle Sam get the sustenance to sustain the old system? That's right; from OUR pockets. Taking from the have nots to give to the have's as it seems to be the custom in this country anymore.

So now, on this momentous day when Wall Street peeked 12,000, how has things changed? Well, Wall Street is back paying out record bonuses and throwing lavish parties for their clients. Bankers have one security net after another because they were just "Too Big To Fail." And the big 3? Well they are back on their feet making a profit. Hell, economists have been telling us that the Great Recession ended in December of 2009. Well that's awesome. Then millions of us better get to bed because we have a full day of unemployment to get at!

On the day that the human waste on Wall Street hit 12,000, the Congressional Budget Office said that 2011 would sustain above a 9% unemployment rate. By 2012, we may be able to get down to 8%. It won't be until 2016 that we could hope of getting back to 5.6%. End of the Great Recession?

Why is it that when the middle class sees their jobs shed like skin cells but Wall Street has a good day, that's the end of a recession? Why is it that the working man who busts his or her ass every day finds themselves on the unemployment line with congressional leaders calling them lazy but bailing out bankers is investing in "Americas Future"? How is it that our futures have been stolen, our tier as the middle class has been crippled, our children go without but we have to use OUR MONEY to bailout the auto industry because...well, we are the country that invented the fuckin things?!

This is America? THIS?!?

We hear one news report after another about uprisings in Greece and the United Kingdom and Egypt and Tunisia yet we, the people that invented a Democratic Republic, bend over for the politicians and the lawyers and the bankers and the brokers and all the other vultures and vampires of our society. This is America?

We fight the wars yet get denied medical benefits. We build the infrastructure yet get kicked out of our homes. We work day in and day out yet we get denied a livable wage. We show loyalty and yet it's OUR jobs that get cut before the bosses who were the ones responsible for fucking up the company. We are the first to wave our flags and yet we are used as stepping stones by organizations who show their patriotism by sending factories overseas and gambling away our nations fortune. This is America?

This is NOT America! This is not the America which rose up out of the ashes of imperialism. This is not the America which crushed the Nazi's and the Fascists. This is not the America that invented the internet, the airplane, and nearly every great company this world has ever seen. Our America has been stolen by those who the recession has truly ended for.

There is a day of reckoning that is coming when the dinosaurs of the old system will become extinct. When Wall Street and the Bankers and the haphazard companies and all their little puppets on the Hill will finally see the sun set on their ponzi scheme. See, people will only take so much before their patience runs out. When people get fed up they will not give up, they will stand up and revolution will be in the air.

Not a revolution of bombs and guns and violence. A revolution like that which made this country great. Bombs and guns may have freed us but ideas kept the chains broken. There will come a time when the people will just decide that they will no longer participate. We will no longer defend a nation that does not work in our interests. We will not assist in making profits for industries that treat us like slaves. We will not have faith in a financial system which uses us as a piggy bank one moment and then peasants the next. We will simply reboot.

No more parties, no more fat cats, no more stock exchange. Wall Street will be deserted. The auto industry will rust away. The banks will sit unguarded full of a currency which has no value. Washington will be swallowed up by the swamps once again.

Not a shot will be fired, not a bomb will explode, not a person will be assassinated. We will simply stop running the machine.

There is a storm coming and when that storm passes the dinosaurs of the old system will be extinct and America will be reborn like a phoenix from the ashes. That will be OUR America.

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