Within that nearly two month span, Not The Droids You Are Looking For has averaged about 5 to 6 hits a day with 19 members on the official Facebook page and roughly 20 people following me on twitter. I've also had the pleasure of 3 people telling me how much they really enjoy my banter and, occasionally, my rants. So I'd like to take a moment to extend my gratitude to everyone who follows me and for every hit I get on the blog. But I also want to encourage participation and making others aware of the blog.
Back when I exclusively posted my banter and rants to Facebook I would get a good deal of people to add their two cents and/or debate me on my views. I love that! It makes being a geek more fun if I have someone to geek out with. Doesn't matter if it's sci-fi, design, movies, art, politics, etc... So please, participate!
On the blog [http://not-the-droids-you-are-looking-fo
r.blogspot.com/] feel free to follow me, leave comments, and rate your enjoyment or lack there of below each article. On facebook [Search pages for Jesus is Behind the Sofa] leave comments, photos, and links. Or, you can follow me on twitter [@longlivecbot] just so I have someone to bullshit around with.
Finally, Cbot is broke. And I don't mean broke like "Shit, I guess I'll have to eat left overs tonight." I mean broke like "Shit, I guess I'll have to blow the dust off my pack of Ramen noodles tonight." Because I am so broke I need your help in getting the word out about this blog and the Facebook site. There is no funds in the budget to advertise. If there were, Cbot would have a .com right now. So if you know of any designers or geeks or political junkies out there, make them aware of the blog. It can even be something as simple as posting a link to one of the articles I've posted on your Facebook. The more people who follow me the more chances I have at picking up advertisers. The more advertisers I get, the better I can make the site.
Again, thank you for your attention and, for those who have participated in the past, I appreciate your opinions even though they are wrong if they don't agree with mine....HA!
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