Sunday, February 27, 2011

Past Vs Future Of American Politics

During the 2008 Presidential Election the choice between candidates was more a choice between the past and the future. A vote for McCain/Palin was a vote to keep America in the 20th century as the Republicans played the 80s, pretending it was still the Reagan Era. A vote for Obama/Biden was a vote for the future and moving the country into the 21st century. A vote for the first ever digital age President. (Sidebar: During the 2008 campaign John McCain said he needed his wives help just to check his email. How sad is that? McCain has just been voted most conservative Republican.)

In 2008 the American people voted to move forward instead of dwelling on the fantasy life of the past, embracing outdated failed ideas like trickle down economics and preemptive war. But apparently the conservative movement of this country is holding on to a history of failed policies and yelling out "from my cold dead hand".

As the Democrats are trying to create an environment of cooperation, conservatives met at CPAC this last month to spit bile and irrational conspiracy theories. When the coming generation of Americans have to face the possibility that they will need to work until their dying breath, conservatives are calling for an end to Social Security. As American education slips further compared to other nations, the right wants to defund the Department of Education. And as mounting evidence from the scientific community supporting the reality of global warming through man made pollutants, the GOP is calling for the disbanding of the Environmental Protection Agency.

While America was gripped in the 2010 midterm election, the conservative Teabagger movement made claims that their only concern was fiscal conservatism. Since conservatives have retaken the House of Representatives, however, they have declared war, not on fiscal issues, but social issues. Republicans have declared war on unions such is the case with collective bargaining and laying off 2,000 teachers at once in Rhode Island. They have declared war on women's rights by going after Planned Parenthood even though the claim that tax dollars being used for abortions have been disproven time and time again because it is currently ILLEGAL to use tax dollars in the US to perform abortions. They are declaring war on public radio for no real reason other then the delusion of their "great liberal media conspiracy".

Nothing that the GOP/Teabagger Alliance has declared war on will help America's economy. In the case of collective bargaining and going after unions, NPR, and Planned Parenthood, nearly every economist says that it won't make a dent in the nations debt. Repealing Healthcare Reform, which many halfwits like Michelle Bachmann and Glenn Beck believe to be this massive socialist takeover, would actually COST America over $200 billion to repeal.

The GOP is living in the past. They are flirting with government shut down which will cost millions if not billions of dollars and millions of jobs and essential services just like they did in the 90s. They are flirting with wrapping Washington in non-sensical investigations on the Administration in some desperate attempt to make the Administration seem as though it is corrupt just as they did in the 90s. Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich has even said that Obama's decision not to uphold DOMA which President Obama sees as unconstitutional, could lead him to grounds for impeachment. Just like Newt and the Republicans attempted to do in the 90s to Clinton.

The Republicans are reliving the past and if the past is any indicator, it not only didn't work out well for America, it didn't work out for the Republicans. America needs to make the choice again to push for the future. Allowing ourselves to fall back into the past will bring back all the wars and recessions of the past as well.

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