Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Glenn Beck Attacks Philly

With the amount of shit which flows out of Glenn Beck's mouth it would be forgivable for anyone to mistake him for a backed up toilet. But usually Cry Baby Beck only spews his filth at politicians and, occasionally, locations such as Manhattan and California. After all, if you are a mindless conservative it's in the hand book that you have to hate California. It's not like Reagan came from there or anything. But recently, the beaty eyed bastard who regularly has wet dreams about being the next George Washington, set his sites on the cradle of independence in this country.

In retaliation for getting dropped from the airwaves of Philly, Beck claimed that Philly sucked and that the area around Independence Hall are "killing streets".

The oh so clever Mayor Nutter lashed back at Beck saying that he suffered from "verb-arrhea".

As with most of Becks comments, his observation about the area in question are twisted and misinformed. The reality is that the historic area around Independence Hall is actually one of the safest areas of the city if not the entire country. But what can you say, the Captain of Conspiracy is seeing his ratings drop and his advertisers drop with them. Being a little bitch is his last ditch effort to grab some more headlines before he becomes yet another media mistake of the past. So this song is dedicated to the lunatic who will no longer be poisoning the airwaves of Philadelphia.

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