Monday, February 7, 2011

Zombies Ate My Neighbors The Movie

Shaun of the Dead and Zombieland move over, there is a new zomcom (zombie comedy) coming to town and it's loosely based off of a cult classic video game.

Zombies Ate My Neighbors, developed by LucasArts, was originally released to the Super NES and published by Konami back in 1993. The idea behind the game was simple; create a 90s video game using horror elements from past genres such as Friday the 13th and the Texas Chainsaw Massacre.

These horror elements brought with it a cartoonish amount of gore and blood which would be laughable by todays standard inflamed parent groups into an uproar back when even Link using a magic sword made the Bible thumpers lose sleep thinking the game was glorifying magic.

So, in the time before the ESRB, public pressure forced the game to come out with different adaptations. In Asia the game was pretty much accepted the way it was intended. In the United States, the American brand of Nintendo insisted that any depictions of blood and gore be replaced by purple ooze. The United Kingdom, Ireland, Italy, France, Spain, Austria, Portugal, Finland, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Germany, and Australia took it even a step further by changing the title to simply 'Zombies' and forced the game developers to replace all chainsaw-wielding maniacs to ax wielding lumber jacks.

Like many games from my youth, Zombies Ate My Neighbors found itself fading quickly in the midst of the red hot console war which demanded faster more advanced and, ironically enough, even more graphic games. Z.A.M.N. found itself a slight resurrection after being formatted for the virtual console in 2009. But now, it seems it's future will lay within the movies.

The premise of the film will simply be a teenage duo - Zeke and Julie - find themselves in a world where their neighbors have turned into zombies and the world is run amok with an assortment of different monsters and aliens. The whole film is rumored to be made in a very cheesy 50s through 80s horror film format while utilizing very modern special effects. And, as a bonus, the film is almost guaranteed to spawn an all new series of Zombies Ate My Neighbors video game.

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