Wednesday, December 29, 2010
The Joker Explains Our Current Economic Predicament
Amazing YouTube video of The Joker from The Dark Knight explaining our current economic Predicament only at
Sons Of Seventy-Six
From as far back as I can remember I have been a student of history. I have never been able to understand the mentality of "Well, it's over so let's forget about it and move on." After all, how can you move forward if you don't know where you've been?
This love of history has also helped me out as I became passionate about politics. It has helped me out in the way that when I am in the midst of a political debate, instead of the reactionary emotional ramblings which most people tend to serve up, I attempt to make my logic sound by backing my reasoning with facts. In fact, this led one neanderthal to call me a "factoid bitch" because I was offering sound proof of my convictions instead of conspiracy and paranoia.
Politics is the reason I joined social networking. My Myspace page could have been called Obama 2008 and once Obama won the election I deleted my Myspace page. Then in 2009 I joined Facebook in order to have a larger audience to discuss politics with. But Facebook began clamping down on how verbose one can be so in November of this year I launched my first blog.
My first iteration didn't work out so well. No one seemed interested in it and I began to hate it myself so I cut the chord. My second iteration, this one, was more casual and more fun and covered a wider array of topics including politics. To my surprise I have gotten a great reaction from people for Cbot. But Cbot is too casual for my politics. So to the dismay of many people I'm sure, I am launching a spinoff blog called Sons of Seventy-Six.
Sons of Seventy-Six had been in my head before Gov.0 and before Cbot. It came out of my frustration for the political climate on both the right and the left.
How is it that conservatives have become so successful at cornering the market on the Constitution and their admiration for the Founding Fathers without any type of challenge from the left? And, as if that doesn't already tarnish the left enough, liberalism and progressivism seems to have been willfully hijacked by limousine liberals who require as much of a litmus test to join their movement as the very people who they are in opposition too.
Many times I find myself in a political purgatory. Not being conservative but also not being liberal enough. If I was to classify myself at this moment I would say that I am more of a libertarian Democrat. Or, as I've been calling myself, an Obama Democrat. I am socially liberal but I find myself agreeing with conservatives on some issues as well. I believe that capitalism balanced between free market and a government by the people and for the people is the only way for the people to stay free. I support the Second Amendment but only when common sense applies. I believe in animal rights and I love my meat at the same time. I am pro-choice which is the reason I support preventive care beginning at the educational level. I'll march with teachers unions while wanting to give vouchers a try. And I don't believe that the only choice with healthcare in corporate controlled healthcare or government controlled healthcare. And these middle path beliefs tend to alienate me from both persuasions.
America is a nation built upon the middle path. It is the reason for an Executive Branch at the federal level but states rights at the individual basis as well. It is the reason why Congress was specifically designed to be a deadlocked institution. Many people complain that Congress moves too slow but that is by design. Allowing our representatives to take a breath. Sons of Seventy-Six is a middle path blog.
Inspired by the Sons of Liberty who helped to spark the revolution, we are all children of seventy-six. Our freedom's were based during the Age of Enlightenment which was a time when intellectualism was celebrated, not scorned.
Sons of Seventy-Six is not a site for the hardcore conservatives or liberals. In other words it is not a path for sheep to follow. It is place which celebrates our history and yet warns against some of the dark detours this nation has taken. It is a blog which holds our Constitution dear as a living document in which both sides of the aisle can be proud of, not a lifeless dried up piece of paper clung to by only one movement. It is an online journal which covers modern day politics, parallels them with the past no matter what that past is, and shows our history as an indicator of where we are going.
So please, join me at and on facebook at and I promise you that these will be my last blogs.
This love of history has also helped me out as I became passionate about politics. It has helped me out in the way that when I am in the midst of a political debate, instead of the reactionary emotional ramblings which most people tend to serve up, I attempt to make my logic sound by backing my reasoning with facts. In fact, this led one neanderthal to call me a "factoid bitch" because I was offering sound proof of my convictions instead of conspiracy and paranoia.
Politics is the reason I joined social networking. My Myspace page could have been called Obama 2008 and once Obama won the election I deleted my Myspace page. Then in 2009 I joined Facebook in order to have a larger audience to discuss politics with. But Facebook began clamping down on how verbose one can be so in November of this year I launched my first blog.
My first iteration didn't work out so well. No one seemed interested in it and I began to hate it myself so I cut the chord. My second iteration, this one, was more casual and more fun and covered a wider array of topics including politics. To my surprise I have gotten a great reaction from people for Cbot. But Cbot is too casual for my politics. So to the dismay of many people I'm sure, I am launching a spinoff blog called Sons of Seventy-Six.
Sons of Seventy-Six had been in my head before Gov.0 and before Cbot. It came out of my frustration for the political climate on both the right and the left.
How is it that conservatives have become so successful at cornering the market on the Constitution and their admiration for the Founding Fathers without any type of challenge from the left? And, as if that doesn't already tarnish the left enough, liberalism and progressivism seems to have been willfully hijacked by limousine liberals who require as much of a litmus test to join their movement as the very people who they are in opposition too.
Many times I find myself in a political purgatory. Not being conservative but also not being liberal enough. If I was to classify myself at this moment I would say that I am more of a libertarian Democrat. Or, as I've been calling myself, an Obama Democrat. I am socially liberal but I find myself agreeing with conservatives on some issues as well. I believe that capitalism balanced between free market and a government by the people and for the people is the only way for the people to stay free. I support the Second Amendment but only when common sense applies. I believe in animal rights and I love my meat at the same time. I am pro-choice which is the reason I support preventive care beginning at the educational level. I'll march with teachers unions while wanting to give vouchers a try. And I don't believe that the only choice with healthcare in corporate controlled healthcare or government controlled healthcare. And these middle path beliefs tend to alienate me from both persuasions.
America is a nation built upon the middle path. It is the reason for an Executive Branch at the federal level but states rights at the individual basis as well. It is the reason why Congress was specifically designed to be a deadlocked institution. Many people complain that Congress moves too slow but that is by design. Allowing our representatives to take a breath. Sons of Seventy-Six is a middle path blog.
Inspired by the Sons of Liberty who helped to spark the revolution, we are all children of seventy-six. Our freedom's were based during the Age of Enlightenment which was a time when intellectualism was celebrated, not scorned.
Sons of Seventy-Six is not a site for the hardcore conservatives or liberals. In other words it is not a path for sheep to follow. It is place which celebrates our history and yet warns against some of the dark detours this nation has taken. It is a blog which holds our Constitution dear as a living document in which both sides of the aisle can be proud of, not a lifeless dried up piece of paper clung to by only one movement. It is an online journal which covers modern day politics, parallels them with the past no matter what that past is, and shows our history as an indicator of where we are going.
So please, join me at and on facebook at and I promise you that these will be my last blogs.
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Final Countdown: 4 Days Till 2011: 2010 Fail Flicks
[May Contain Spoilers! You've Been Warned.]
#5. Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland
First the plus side: Out of all 14 films Tim Burton has been apart of it was hands down the most visually appealing. That's saying a lot for a guy who approaches every movie as an art piece. Now the down side: Out of all 14 films Tim Burton has been apart of it was one of the most boring to sit through. Now, maybe I had high expectations going into the film but the truth is when you are attempting to recreate a legendary epic by Lewis Carol their should be high expectations. Especially if the studio which is distributing the film has already made a fortune on the story once before. The problem with this flick isn't that the story is outdated by any means. It's the fact that Tim Burton took a timeless epic and attempted to make it his own. In the end the only thing Burton made it into was generic Burton. First Burton chose his typical starting lineup of Bohnam and Depp. Then he twisted the two stories, Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass, into a single film. And finally he turned it more into a film about the Mad Hatter then about Alice. Sad thing was, the Mad Hatter was the worst part. The Scottish brogue and the changing of the color of his eyes and face when he goes into his dark place. His vacant expressions when he is in his happy place. That stupid, overly computerized dance at the end. Sometimes Burton, it's better to just stick with simple. And simple in this case was just to keep the Mad Hatter mad. In the end the only thing I enjoyed besides the design was hearing Alan Rickman as the Caterpillar and hearing Christopher Lee as the Jabberwocky.
#4. Jonah Hex
You'd think a film starring Josh Brolin as a scarred up, take no prisoners cowboy, John Malkovich as a diabolical former Confederate who fully intends on leading an invasion of Washington, and a barely dressed Megan Fox would have made for a good flick. But somehow Jimmy Hayward and Warner Bros. figured out a way to really suck it up. The first problem with the film is that I don't think anyone on the production team even read the comic book of Jonah Hex. Jonah Hex the comic book is a cut throat, take no prisoners, balls to the wall story. Jonah Hex the film was a tepid, tiptoe, snoozefest that would have actually been not too horrible if the production company would have just pushed the envelope by going for the R rating. Blood, guts, gore, and nudity is what would have made Jonah Hex great and is what Jonah Hex deserved.
#3. Inception
What a pretentious piss pot this film was. Here is how Nolan came up with Inception. First he took something which has been done before like the invasion of someone's dreams. Then to make it his own he made it needlessly complicated and confusing. He then jam packed it with a mixture of independent actors, one major motion picture actor, and some foreign actors. He topped it off with that M. Night twist (Was he really there? Was he in a dream?). And then he let the ego's of his fan base take it from there. "What, you didn't like Inception? It's probably just because you don't get it." Oh, we got it my friend and it was a flaming bag of shit on my door step. Only thing good about Inception was it was good to see Joseph Gordon-Levitt coming up in his own. Oh, and there were a lot of really nice suits.
#2. Avatar
This film was so close to being my number one fail of the year that if it scraped up to my number one any closer I could have started a fire. The best word to describe Avatar is cliche. Everything in this film was a cliche. The, just following orders, soldier who realizes that he is on the wrong side and fights to make things right again. The over testosteroned military Commander who wants nothing more then war and destruction. The ever consuming corporation that begins to grow a heart at the end but stops themselves from being the good guys because they have their investors to worry about. The helpless native people who are being raped throughout the entire film until suddenly they realize that the sticks and stones and animals which have been all around them the entire time can be used to defeat their far more technologically superior enemies. This preachy waste of 3 hours wasn't a major motion milestone, it was Pocahontas with giant smurf cats. And the fact that then, following this film, James Cameron is named as some type of environmental and native people crusader is a testament to the celebrity whores that many liberal organizations tend to be. Especially considering that James Cameron is a supporter of the Canadian tar sands which is located on native land and has been deemed the worlds largest ecological waste site. James Cameron, fuck you.
#1. The Last Airbender
I'm not going to go on a rant about The Last Airbender because I already did a review of the film before on this blog. Just read my review of Avatar and know that I actually hate this movie more then that.
Final Countdown: 4 Days Till 2011: 2010 Epic Flicks
[May Contain Spoilers! You've Been Warned.]
#5. Exit Through the Gift Shop
The jury is still out on whether this is a documentary or a mockumentary but the way in which it was filmed makes it so that you really don't care. Exit Through the Gift Shop follows a man obsessed with filming who has no intentions of ever making a film as he follows around the up-and-coming street art culture. Some of the notable names he gets an opportunity to film includes Shepard Fairey, Space Invader, and Banksy. Eventually the not so film maker decides that he too can be a famous street artist and so he opens up his own little factory in which he just produces generic but trendy art by the hundreds making him the modern day Andy Warhol. The controversy of the film is whether the man behind the camera, who eventually calls himself Mr. Brainwash, is actually a real person or if it is Banksy attempting to pull a joke on all of us. Either way, it is a great time. Plus, if you by the DVD it comes with swag. And I love swag.
#4. Kick-Ass
The Huffingtonpost called Kick-Ass one of the most over rated films of the year. I couldn't disagree with them more. In an entertainment environment that has one production company after another gobbling up superhero titles and blowing them up to massive proportions, it was nice to see a more independent film made about a more unknown character set as close to the real world as possible. But let's be honest with ourselves, the break out performer of the film was Chloe Grace Moretz who played Hit-Girl. In fact, I'd be willing to go so far as to say that if it wasn't for her, Kick-Ass wouldn't be the film that it was.
#3. Toy Story 3
The best way I can describe Toy Story 3 is Schindler's List with toys. For a series made for kids, Pixar wrapped up the franchise on a very dark note. From detention camps to furnaces I was half expecting to see a swastika shaved into the fur of Lots-O. The great thing about the film was that you can easily see the maturity of Pixar. When the first Toy Story came out it was revolutionary for the animation world and it still holds up well over time, however, it lacks the polish found in Toy Story 3. The film was also a HUGE recovery from the second Toy Story film which, for me, was a massive disappointment.
#2. Iron Man 2
Despite the raspy, almost uncomfortably over-sexed character which Scarlett Johansson always tends to play, it was not enough to sink Iron Man 2. The film was a great extension of the first as we see how Tony Stark deals with a company that is completely under his control, secrets from his past, and the responsibility of being the only superhero it seems in every franchise who is not afraid to take off the mask once in awhile. If there were any downsides to the film they were very few. For one, Iron Man 2 could not have floated on it's own. It also wasn't the geek spectacle that the first film was. And the parts in which you could geek out to when it came to tech seemed a little overblown and unbelievable. Meaning that Tony seemed to solve his problems a little too easily in this one. With that said, though, it was still easily the second best film of the year. Only problem is it will likely be the last really good Iron Man film. With Iron Man 3 set to come out in 2013, Jon Favreau said he wouldn't be back for the third. Two reasons have been stated for this: 1.) Favreau believes that Iron Man 3 won't so much be a storyline about Iron Man as it will be a continuation of the storyline created by The Avengers which is set to be released in 2012. 2.) Favreau has signed on to make a Disney film which many say is the Night at the Museum for Disney characters.
#1. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1
Let's face it, 2010 wasn't the greatest year for films. But even if it was a year jam packed with major blockbusters Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 would have still blown them all away. The seventh of the HP franchise, Deathly Hallows Part 1 pulls away the security blanket. No Hogwarts to hide in, no Dumbledore to back him, and not even the Weasley home to run to. Following the Death Eater quo of the Ministry of Magic, Harry finds himself as undesirable number one and the true nature of the wizards and witches around him shows their ugly heads. While on the run the friendship of Harry, Ron, and Hermione is challenged like it has never been before as they set out to find the remaining horcruxes which, when destroyed, will turn Lord Voldemort mortal and give Harry the opportunity to fulfill his destiny and kill the dark lord. Voldemort has other plans, however. While his minions hunt down Potter, Voldemort is after a secret weapon which he hopes will make him unstoppable. I can't say enough about how amazing this film was. The action was exhilarating, the drama was tear jerking, and the special effects were mind blowing. I would have easily sat through another 3 hours in order to see the conclusion.
Wall Street 2 Review
I'm not going to say too much about this film because I really don't want to ruin it for anyone. It is just a film worth your time in viewing it. The brilliance of Wall Street 2 is the way Oliver Stone intertwined the story line of the characters with a social commentary of the current state of capitalism, Wall Street, and the global marketplace. So check out Wall Street 2. You won't be disappointed and you'll understand the purpose of the picture.
"The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." - Albert Einstien
[You'll understand this too.]
Final Grade: B. Good enough to watch and recommend but I don't think I'll need to watch it again.
In the scale of Burn It, Wait and Rent It, Wait and Buy It, Go and See It, Obsess Over It, Turn It Into A Religion: Wait and Rent It. Worth the watch but unless you are a huge fan of the original or a huge fan of any of the actors then I don't think you'll need to view it more then once.
Final Countdown
So I am back after taking a bit of a break to celebrate the Christmas holiday season. It is now 4 days until the new year and so I've decided to jump on the bandwagon and create a series of "Best of 2010" lists. So, for the next 4 days I'll be posting 5 best of's and 5 worst of's. And believe me, the worst of's were a lot easier because 2010 was a worst of year.
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Merry Geekmas!
Just wanted to take this time to wish everyone a Merry Geekmas! Throughout December the media becomes saturated with this fictional struggle called "The War on Christmas" which conservative hacks like Bill O'Reilly attempt to push in order to fuel the conspiracy of the rampant evil's of liberalism. But today I see nothing but unity. Today is the day in which all, whether they be Christians celebrating Christmas, Jews celebrating Hannukka, African Americans celebrating Kwanzaa, Atheists celebrating the winter solstice, Buddhist celebrating the moment, or Pagans celebrating Saturnalia, can come together in agreement that Mormons and Scientologists are bat crap crazy.
Merry Geekmas to all and to all a Dark Knight!
Friday, December 24, 2010
Thursday, December 23, 2010
2 Days Till Geekmas Epic Gift Ideas

The story of the ultimate anti-hero from hell who uses his living cloak, chains, and spikes to defeat his enemies won me over as a convert to the comic culture. From there I got into Batman more, read The Mask (Yes, it was a comic book before it was a movie.), Venom, and others.
So I was stoked to find out that the katz over at Image Comics were coming out with a Spawn Deluxe Hardcover Edition.
The Deluxe Edition contains classic artwork and story lines from Todd McFarlane himself as well as other collaborators such as Alan Moore, Neil Gaimen, Tony Daniel, and Greg Capullo. It is also during these issues in which we are introduced to some of the most diabolical and down right ruthless comic book villains of the comic universe such as Violator, Redeemer, Curse, and Overtkill.
The Hardcover Deluxe Edition comes with a slip case, 25 previously sold out hardcover issues which includes color and black and white cover galleries, never-before-seen bonus art, and a 6 issue trade paperback.
This is a mantel piece which all Spawn fanatics must own and, as soon as my account recovers from Christmas, I'll be placing my order.
The list price is $150 bucks but you can pick it up on Amazon right now for $94.50.
To check it out go to
Saying Goodbye To The 111th
Some say that it was a dream come true. Others claimed that it was the beginning of the end. One thing, however, is certain; the 111th Congress was an ambitious group who fought and won battles most thought impossible.
The 111th was an extension of the 2006 Democratic Revolution which over threw the neo-con Republican establishment. In fact, the 111th was the peak of the current age of progressivism in America. It saw a second term for the first female Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi. It saw a Senate led by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid. It bore witness to the historic election and inauguration of the 44th President of the United States Barack Obama. It celebrated the removal of Dick Cheney to be replaced by Vice President Joe Biden as the new President of the Senate. And it built up a Democratic power house with a Supermajority in the Senate and overwhelming control in the House.
In it's tenure some of the legislation the 111th passed included the Children's Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act (SCHIP), The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (Stimulus Act) which brought America away from the brink of a Second Great Depression, Credit CARD Act of 2009 which creates a credit card Bill of Rights, Pay-As-You-Go Act to promote Congressional fiscal responsibility, the highly controversial and corner stone of the Democratic 111th the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act, the Student Aid and Fiscal Responsibility Act, the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (long time coming), Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act, a major tax deal, new food safety measures, the 911 First Responders Bill, and, last but certainly not least, the repeal of Don't Ask, Don't Tell.
Some of the bills that were passed were needed while others were decades in the making that no other Congress and no other Presidential Administration could have pulled off.
Never-the-less, in November of 2010 history repeated itself. Just like it did in 2006, 2002, 1998, 1994, 1990, 1986, 1982, and so on. The party in power always takes a hit during a mid-term election. Even though a lot of legislation and reforms were passed by the Democratic power block the slow pace of recovery mixed with the high unemployment and growing debt led to a resurgence of the Republican Party.
2011 will be a very different beast in Washington. The 112th Congress will be a Congress of split priorities. The Democratic half will want to continue the Obama Agenda while the Republican half is dead set on throwing a gear into Obama's plans. Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell very openly stated that his and the Republican's number one objective is to keep Obama from being re-elected in 2012.
The political battle lines are as follows:
In the Senate the Democrats will continue to hold control with a 51 to 47 majority with 2 left leaning Independents. Vice President Joe Biden will continue to serve as the President of the Senate with Daniel Inouye serving as President pro tempore. Harry Reid will hold his position as Senate Majority Leader with Dick Durbin as Majority Whip. The Republicans will keep Mitch McConnell as Senate Minority leader with Jon Kyl as Minority Whip.
In the House the Republicans will gain control over the Democrats with a 242 to 193 majority. John Boehner will be sworn in as the new Speaker of the House with Eric Cantor taking over the position of House Majority Leader and Kevin McCarthy being promoted to serve as House Majority Whip. Former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi will regain her position as head of House Democrats as she gets sworn in as House Minority Leader with Steny Hoyer acting as her right hand man serving as House Minority Whip.
2011 & 2012 could prove themselves to be even more of a bloodbath then 2009 & 2010. Congressional Democrats will do everything they can do hold on to what they've accomplished while at the same time attempting to push the agenda forward. Congressional Republicans are already plotting ways to defund much of Obama's health care reform and financial reform. The GOP has also proven to be very successful at blocking anything that is not in their interests. Plus, following the latest census, they are gearing up for a 2012 election year which puts the numbers in their favor and the House, the Senate, and the White House will be up for grabs. The 112th should be very interesting.
Blood Qur'an
Controversy is a brewing in Iraq over a Qur'an which was completely written in the blood of former Iraqi Dictator Saddam Hussein.
Saddam devised the plan to create the Blood Qur'an shortly after one of his sons had narrowly escaped an assassination attempt. This event re awoken Saddam's commitment is to the Sunni sect of Islam and the Blood Qur'an was meant to be seen as a symbol of commitment to his faith.
The Qur'an contains 114 chapters with roughly 300 pages so it required the use of 27 litres (57 pints) of Saddam's blood to complete. The mass murderer then sat with a nurse and a calligrapher for 2 years in order to transcribe the book.
The controversy is over what to do with the book now that Saddam is gone. Many in the new Iraqi government want it destroyed along with all other symbols of Saddam. Historians, however, say that it is priceless to the history of Iraq. But the issue of the text goes far beyond politics versus history.
According to Islam it is forbidden to write the Qur'an in blood. Even more forbidden, though, is destroying a Qur'an. So this leaves the nation at a bit of a catch 22.
Currently the book is secured under lock and key in a vault located in a Baghdad Mosque. This is where the Blood Qur'an has been stored now for about 8 years.
Saddam devised the plan to create the Blood Qur'an shortly after one of his sons had narrowly escaped an assassination attempt. This event re awoken Saddam's commitment is to the Sunni sect of Islam and the Blood Qur'an was meant to be seen as a symbol of commitment to his faith.
The Qur'an contains 114 chapters with roughly 300 pages so it required the use of 27 litres (57 pints) of Saddam's blood to complete. The mass murderer then sat with a nurse and a calligrapher for 2 years in order to transcribe the book.
The controversy is over what to do with the book now that Saddam is gone. Many in the new Iraqi government want it destroyed along with all other symbols of Saddam. Historians, however, say that it is priceless to the history of Iraq. But the issue of the text goes far beyond politics versus history.
According to Islam it is forbidden to write the Qur'an in blood. Even more forbidden, though, is destroying a Qur'an. So this leaves the nation at a bit of a catch 22.
Currently the book is secured under lock and key in a vault located in a Baghdad Mosque. This is where the Blood Qur'an has been stored now for about 8 years.
Anarchists Attack Rome
An anarchist group has come forward and claimed responsibility for two mail bombs which were set off in foreign embassies in Rome today.
The two bombs targeted both the Chilean and Swiss embassies slightly injuring one person and seriously injuring another, according to reports.
Late Thursday night the Italian news agency ANSA also reported that a third package was found by Italian anti-terror authorities which was located near one of the wounded. No bomb was inside but instead a claim of responsibility was made by a group calling itself the Informal Anarchist Federation. The note read "Long live FAI, long live anarchy."
Italian investigators suspected an anarchist group could have been involved even before the letter of responsibility was found. Authorities had said that the style and type of bombing device used matched that of Greek anarchist groups.
Just last month on November 2nd, Greek anarchists implemented a wave of 14 mail bombs which were sent to foreign embassies in Athens. Mail bombs were also intercepted in route to Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, French President Nicolas Sarkozy, and German Chancellor Angela Merkel. These attacks were orchestrated by the Greek anarchist group Conspiracy Nuclei of Fire and the FAI is believed to have connections to this group.
These two bombings also come just a week after a peaceful demonstration of students, angry about legislation which was passed in Rome which authorized university reform, led to bloody clashes with the police.
Ever since the Great Recession many countries have seen a rise in anti-authoritarian outrage. Government's across Europe are cutting back on social programs which hurt pensions for the working, sky rocket educations costs, and make health care less affordable. These so called reforms have been really shaking up the black flag bee hive.
When people lose everything and they no longer have anything to lose they tend to lose it.
Epic Fail: Cassie Steele
I know, you're asking "Who the hell is Cassie Steele and why do I care?" Well, to answer your last question first, you probably don't. But then again, you probably don't give a shit about half of the stuff on my forum yet you still keep coming back. Now to answer the first question I'm going to tell you a tale:
Oh Degrassi was an enchanting romp filled with the most fucked up kids you would ever meet. These kids dealt with suicide, murder, rape, molestation, pregnancy, drugs, STD's, abortion, gay bashing.....and that was just the 9th graders. And amongst these kids was one girl named Manny Santos. She was the over sexed Filipino girl who made her rounds with nearly everyone as long as they had a penis. (Don't worry, there was another girl who shacked up with everyone no matter what was between their legs.) Here's a montage of that sassy Manny now.
Oh those crazy horny kids. But the reality was that Manny doesn't exist. No, Manny was played by a girl named Cassie Steele. And Cassie had a friend who was on the show. The characters name was Jimmy Brookes. He was the wise cracking basketball all star with swagger who swaggered his ass in front of a bullet during a school shooting and landed his ass in a wheel chair. We all know the actor who played Jimmy as the current Rap/R&B phenomenon Drake.
So seeing her friend Drake make it big, Cassie decided to pack up her bags and move out of the enchanted land of hockey pucks and bacon that is actually ham (fuckin Canada....) and move to a much smoggier place called Los Angeles. The city where angels and careers go to die. There, Cassie, inspired by her friend Drake, wrote and recorded herself an album called Destructo Doll and even made herself a music video. Soon she found herself as a regular at the Roxy. And it was good.
[Cassie Steele - Mr. Colson]
Well I stopped paying attention to Cassie after awhile. Maybe it was fate, maybe our paths weren't meant to be in twined, or maybe.....and by maybe I mean it was because of, Degrassi just got boring and I could have given a crap about the kids who were on it.
Funny thing about insomnia. At 4 in the morning there really isn't much to do except Google whatever pops in your head. Cassie popped into my head one night and my brain almost popped right out after I hit enter. Cassie was no longer a metal chick. Now she was in a duo going by the name of Mel. And the band was cleverly called KaraMel. In KaraMel I saw Cassies evolution from Canadian Actress to Rocker Chick to....uhh......I guess Bubblegum Drop Fairy? Well, see for yourself.
(Hey, I had to sit through it, so do you.) From a kids show to sexualized rocker to sexualized kids band.
A strange thing happened, however, for Cassie or Mel or whoever she is now......she actually became popular. No no no, not here in America. We have this little thing called taste. But over in Europe where music hasn't existed since the Beetles broke up is where a group like KaraMel could thrive. And I'm sure with all those wondrous bright colors the Japanese are digging them as well.
So Cassie/Mel, on the international stage I say good for you. You seem to have made it. But here in America, the land where it matters, when I see a kiddie group I expect them to be teaching the youngsters what words start with what letters. And when the letter gets to F I don't expect it to be followed up with " in Feeling up a guy in his underwear." So Cassie, I give you a big American Fail!
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Post-Geekmas Bonus Idea
Originally I was going to add this as one of my Geekmas gift ideas but being that it won't be released until next year I decided to throw it in as a bonus.
What you see before you is the latest work by the master of merchandising himself, George Lucas. Titled 'Star Wars: Frames', George Lucas and the Skywalker crew spent 5 years painfully going through roughly 200,000 frames per film of 6 films to choose 1400 of their favorites which they feel represents the ultimate essence and cinematic beauty which is the Star Wars Saga.
Each crystal clear wide screen page is hand sown into the cover which is then protected by a Japanese silk cloth bound slip case. They are then ready for shelf display protected by the wood inlay trunk with a Vader medallion on one side and a Yoda medallion on the other. As if you couldn't be geekgasming enough, it is the only official Star Wars merchandise released with George Lucas's John Hancock scribbled across the letter of authenticity which accompanies it.
Of coarse, anything this amazing has a downside. The first downside is that this collection will cost you three thousand of your very hard earned greenbacks. That's a 17-inch Macbook Pro with a 2.53GHz Intel Core i5. But if that is no obstacle for you then the fact that they only made 1,138 of them might. Why such a strange number? Well, Lucas being such a humble man (yeah right) chose this number in homage to his first feature THX-1138.
So if you have 3 grand get to your computer early because they go on sale exclusively at on January 8th, 2011. If nothing else, we can all appreciate the master craftsmanship and dedication that went into making this collection and hope that someone very stupid in the near future throws one up on ebay.
What you see before you is the latest work by the master of merchandising himself, George Lucas. Titled 'Star Wars: Frames', George Lucas and the Skywalker crew spent 5 years painfully going through roughly 200,000 frames per film of 6 films to choose 1400 of their favorites which they feel represents the ultimate essence and cinematic beauty which is the Star Wars Saga.
Each crystal clear wide screen page is hand sown into the cover which is then protected by a Japanese silk cloth bound slip case. They are then ready for shelf display protected by the wood inlay trunk with a Vader medallion on one side and a Yoda medallion on the other. As if you couldn't be geekgasming enough, it is the only official Star Wars merchandise released with George Lucas's John Hancock scribbled across the letter of authenticity which accompanies it.
Of coarse, anything this amazing has a downside. The first downside is that this collection will cost you three thousand of your very hard earned greenbacks. That's a 17-inch Macbook Pro with a 2.53GHz Intel Core i5. But if that is no obstacle for you then the fact that they only made 1,138 of them might. Why such a strange number? Well, Lucas being such a humble man (yeah right) chose this number in homage to his first feature THX-1138.
So if you have 3 grand get to your computer early because they go on sale exclusively at on January 8th, 2011. If nothing else, we can all appreciate the master craftsmanship and dedication that went into making this collection and hope that someone very stupid in the near future throws one up on ebay.
3 Days Till Geekmas Epic Gift Ideas
If you haven't yet heard of the visionary artist that is Greg "Craola" Simkins then you are missing out. But you are in luck my friends because nothing is a better introduction to an artists body of work then a book based on their body of work.
In 'Drawn from the Well', Simkins gives you 300 pages of beautiful paintings, sketches, and notebook doodles filled with fantastical creatures, pop culture references, and a balance of the cute with the macabre the only way Craola can.
Paging through this work will take you on a vision quest acid tablet filled adventure which will turn the tone down on all other artists.
Big plus, the book goes for only $30.
To take a look or purchase the book go to
In 'Drawn from the Well', Simkins gives you 300 pages of beautiful paintings, sketches, and notebook doodles filled with fantastical creatures, pop culture references, and a balance of the cute with the macabre the only way Craola can.
Paging through this work will take you on a vision quest acid tablet filled adventure which will turn the tone down on all other artists.
Big plus, the book goes for only $30.
To take a look or purchase the book go to
Thank You Mr. President!
President Obama signing a bill which repeals the 17 year old law known as Don't Ask, Don't Tell. A beautiful day!
Pro Pot Pat?
Make sure you remember to bring your snowboard with you to hell because there is fresh powder on that brimstone and we have Pat Robertson to thank for that.
If you don't know who Pat Robertson is, Pat Robertson is a piece of shit. Need more? Alrighty. Pat Roberston is a piece of evangelical shit who has founded such organizations and corporations as the 700 Club, The Christian Broadcast Network, the Christian Coalition (A place for all of America's fundamentalists.), Operation Blessing International Relief and Development Corporation (A non-profit organization that Robertson used to support his diamond mining venture.), and the American Center for Law and Justice (An anti-ACLU organization that attempts to inject Christianity into our government and attack other religions attempts to do the same while at the same time going after the reproductive rights of women and the civil rights of homosexuals.). Not to mention that while he opposes American abortions he supports Chinese abortions, has called Scotland a "dark land" overrun by homosexuals, called for the assassination of another nations leader, insinuated that God had rejected to people of Dover, Pennsylvania because they didn't want the mindless drivel of intelligent design taught in their children's schools, and stated that the 2010 earthquake in Haiti was the fault of the Haitian ancestors who had apparently made a pact with the devil in order to no longer be slaves to the French and so 206 years later God decided to punish them. Damn, the Lord sure does take his sweet fuckin time doesn't he? Laziest God ever.
So like I said, Pat Robertson is a subhuman piece of shit that dribbled from his mothers rear during his fathers ventures into sodomy and got her pregnant. Or as most of us call it an ass cum kid......did I mention that this site is by no means PG-13?
But every so often Pat can surprise you. No, not the times when he claims that he has spoken to God and that the end of life as we know it is near. This time in particular has to do with Pat being pro pot. On his show, the 700 Club, Pat Robertson highlighted conservatives who are moving from the idea of getting tough on crime to instead being smart on crime. In a segment a group called Right on Crime ( spoke about the money pit that is the American prison system and what they feel they can do to change it, improve public safety, and save billions along the way. It includes cheaper alternatives to prison such as drug rehab, taking crimes off the books that most in modern day America do not see as crimes, encourage mentor ship programs in prisons, and opening faith based dorms.
Robertson himself took it even a step further. "We are locking up people that take a couple puffs of marijuana and the next thing they know they got ten years.....we gotta take a look at what we consider crimes." Robertson said. Robertson expanded on this idea speaking out against mandatory minimum sentences and saying that the criminalization of marijuana has cost the nation a fortune to enforce and that it is "ruining young people".
So there you have it. Pat Robertson pulled his head out of his ass long enough to promote the legalization of marijuana.
[People react to the news of Pro Pot Pat]
If you don't know who Pat Robertson is, Pat Robertson is a piece of shit. Need more? Alrighty. Pat Roberston is a piece of evangelical shit who has founded such organizations and corporations as the 700 Club, The Christian Broadcast Network, the Christian Coalition (A place for all of America's fundamentalists.), Operation Blessing International Relief and Development Corporation (A non-profit organization that Robertson used to support his diamond mining venture.), and the American Center for Law and Justice (An anti-ACLU organization that attempts to inject Christianity into our government and attack other religions attempts to do the same while at the same time going after the reproductive rights of women and the civil rights of homosexuals.). Not to mention that while he opposes American abortions he supports Chinese abortions, has called Scotland a "dark land" overrun by homosexuals, called for the assassination of another nations leader, insinuated that God had rejected to people of Dover, Pennsylvania because they didn't want the mindless drivel of intelligent design taught in their children's schools, and stated that the 2010 earthquake in Haiti was the fault of the Haitian ancestors who had apparently made a pact with the devil in order to no longer be slaves to the French and so 206 years later God decided to punish them. Damn, the Lord sure does take his sweet fuckin time doesn't he? Laziest God ever.
So like I said, Pat Robertson is a subhuman piece of shit that dribbled from his mothers rear during his fathers ventures into sodomy and got her pregnant. Or as most of us call it an ass cum kid......did I mention that this site is by no means PG-13?
But every so often Pat can surprise you. No, not the times when he claims that he has spoken to God and that the end of life as we know it is near. This time in particular has to do with Pat being pro pot. On his show, the 700 Club, Pat Robertson highlighted conservatives who are moving from the idea of getting tough on crime to instead being smart on crime. In a segment a group called Right on Crime ( spoke about the money pit that is the American prison system and what they feel they can do to change it, improve public safety, and save billions along the way. It includes cheaper alternatives to prison such as drug rehab, taking crimes off the books that most in modern day America do not see as crimes, encourage mentor ship programs in prisons, and opening faith based dorms.
Robertson himself took it even a step further. "We are locking up people that take a couple puffs of marijuana and the next thing they know they got ten years.....we gotta take a look at what we consider crimes." Robertson said. Robertson expanded on this idea speaking out against mandatory minimum sentences and saying that the criminalization of marijuana has cost the nation a fortune to enforce and that it is "ruining young people".
So there you have it. Pat Robertson pulled his head out of his ass long enough to promote the legalization of marijuana.
[People react to the news of Pro Pot Pat]
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
4 Days Till Geekmas Epic Gift Ideas
Hype is a very tricky thing. The core of hype is energy and therefore things can get carried away and over hyped very easily. Hype is a bastard like that. And usually when it comes to hype the bigger the hype the greater the failure. I mean, I'm not gonna say that a great example is James Cameron's giant cat smurf film containing every cliche in the book Avatar, but let's say James Cameron's Avatar is a great example. In fact I'll go a step further and call it the Avatar Effect.
So when I first came across Beats by Dre and heard all the hype I thought to myself "Well, here's the James Cameron's Avatar of headphones." Gwen Stafani is pushin 'em, Eminem is pushin 'em, FloRida is pushin 'em, and Soulja Boy is pushin 'em. Not to mention Will.I.Am and Kanye are pushin 'em so you know there is a good chance that something might be fucked up about them if Kanye and Will.I.Am is involved.
So being in the market for a good set of headphones and also being a whore for design and packaging I decided to give Beats a test ride. I will completely vouch 100% that Beats by Dre is not the James Cameron's Avatar of headphones. They may just be the Star Wars of headphones. The pair of Solo over-ear headphones I picked up are considered to be the base model but they cancel outside sound just as well as many studio headphones I've used and their sound quality puts Skullcandy's to shame.
Monster (the manufacturer) gives you an assortment of choices. If you aren't a fan of the massive headphones sitting on your head and at the same time hate your eardrums there are also a pretty sweet set of earbud Beats. Want something more trendy? Well you are in luck my friend! You can also purchase the exclusive artist series earbuds that have been designed by Diddy, Lady Gaga, Lebron (Don't really know how he is an artist.), and, of coarse, Justin Mother Fuckin Bieber.
Why is it that Beats sound so good? Well, if you take Dre at his word, the problem with modern day headphones is that they lack the ability to really get the sound quality of digital music. In other words, what the artists hear in the studio isn't entirely what you end up hearing when you download the song. So Dre is here to remedy that.
Down side about Beats? They aren't really the economy model of headphones. Solo Beats headphones will run you $199. Throw in some HD to those Solo's and you have yourself at $229.95 (strange number). (Product) Red Solo's are also about $229. And Studio's will cost you $349.95. If you want the Cadillac of the Beats family, the Beats Pro's will hit you hard at $449.95. I'm not gonna say you could just about get your ass an iPad for that amount but you could just about get your ass an iPad for that amount.
The earbuds are a tad cheaper. The tour's are $189.95 and the iBeats are $119.95. But it really doesn't get much cheaper then that kids.
As a designer headphones are an awesome investment for me. Plug 'em in to my iPhone, click on the music or a podcast, and burn the day away on projects. But it might not be as important as most. So if you are in to quality sounding headphones and you have a couple of Franklin's to spend I can't sing the praises of Beats enough.
P.S. If you get white they will begin to change color after 6 months to a year. Just a precaution.
So when I first came across Beats by Dre and heard all the hype I thought to myself "Well, here's the James Cameron's Avatar of headphones." Gwen Stafani is pushin 'em, Eminem is pushin 'em, FloRida is pushin 'em, and Soulja Boy is pushin 'em. Not to mention Will.I.Am and Kanye are pushin 'em so you know there is a good chance that something might be fucked up about them if Kanye and Will.I.Am is involved.
So being in the market for a good set of headphones and also being a whore for design and packaging I decided to give Beats a test ride. I will completely vouch 100% that Beats by Dre is not the James Cameron's Avatar of headphones. They may just be the Star Wars of headphones. The pair of Solo over-ear headphones I picked up are considered to be the base model but they cancel outside sound just as well as many studio headphones I've used and their sound quality puts Skullcandy's to shame.
Monster (the manufacturer) gives you an assortment of choices. If you aren't a fan of the massive headphones sitting on your head and at the same time hate your eardrums there are also a pretty sweet set of earbud Beats. Want something more trendy? Well you are in luck my friend! You can also purchase the exclusive artist series earbuds that have been designed by Diddy, Lady Gaga, Lebron (Don't really know how he is an artist.), and, of coarse, Justin Mother Fuckin Bieber.
Why is it that Beats sound so good? Well, if you take Dre at his word, the problem with modern day headphones is that they lack the ability to really get the sound quality of digital music. In other words, what the artists hear in the studio isn't entirely what you end up hearing when you download the song. So Dre is here to remedy that.
Down side about Beats? They aren't really the economy model of headphones. Solo Beats headphones will run you $199. Throw in some HD to those Solo's and you have yourself at $229.95 (strange number). (Product) Red Solo's are also about $229. And Studio's will cost you $349.95. If you want the Cadillac of the Beats family, the Beats Pro's will hit you hard at $449.95. I'm not gonna say you could just about get your ass an iPad for that amount but you could just about get your ass an iPad for that amount.
The earbuds are a tad cheaper. The tour's are $189.95 and the iBeats are $119.95. But it really doesn't get much cheaper then that kids.
As a designer headphones are an awesome investment for me. Plug 'em in to my iPhone, click on the music or a podcast, and burn the day away on projects. But it might not be as important as most. So if you are in to quality sounding headphones and you have a couple of Franklin's to spend I can't sing the praises of Beats enough.
P.S. If you get white they will begin to change color after 6 months to a year. Just a precaution.
Battlestar Galactica: Blood and Chrome
Once upon a time there was a show called Battlestar Galactica. It was a remake of a terrible piece of garbage from the 70's. And it was good. Infact, it was AMAZING. Well, at least until the final season when the final Cylon [Spoiler Alert] turned out to be the dead wife of the gruff alcoholic ExO who he poisoned for betraying the insurrection at the beginning of season 3. Also, he turned out to be a Cylon himself. Then there was the very anti-climactic ending where no real battle was fought, a child was saved, they found another Earth different from the original nuclear waste dump Earth they had found in the middle of season 4, they all moved there, mated with monkey people, their ships got flown into the sun by a Cylon who was once thought to be human and married Starbuck but is now jacked into a computer, and just as they made it the President dies of cancer. Did I forget to mention that Starbuck was actually Jesus, Helo and Athena turned out to be Adam and Eve, and the entire story of Battlestar Galactica is actually our past and with our invention of robotics we are about ready to create an all new race of Cylons which will rise up against us and try to kill us? Yeah, that happened.
So for atleast 3 seasons BSG was really REALLY good. Since that time, however, the BSG Universe has been a bit of a flop. I'm mainly talking about the terrible waste that was Caprica. The story of the capitol city of the 12 colonies before the first Cylon War. It had potential and they failed. Their casting was crap (Alessandra Torresani should be banned from acting), the story line was weak, and their attempt at trying to seem deep just came off as pretentious. Good riddance I say. But apparently SyFy is not quite finished with BSG.
What would you say to a BSG Motion Picture? I know, I heard millions of fanboys groan. But apparently it is happening whether we like it or not and Bryan Singer is already set to direct. The film is slated for a 2012 opening and it will be based on......ready for this?......not the highly successful relaunch series but the 1970's flop. To break it down for you a little more: Battlestar Galactica of 2004 was a remake of the 1978 Battlestar Galactica. Battlestar Galactica the Motion Picture will be a remake of the 1978 Battlestar Galactica. Apparently Star Trek isn't the only sci fi franchise banking on the idea of alternate dimensions. But heres the kicker; the BSG movie is suppose to stay true to the 1978 series and not have more liberal creativity like the 2004 series. You know, that pesky liberal creativity that turned the franchise from an absolute disgrace into a smashing success.
So what does all of this have to do with the picture above? Well, the picture above is the first concept piece for yet another BSG spin off. This series, entitled Battlestar Galactica: Blood and Chrome, follows Ensign William Adama as he is assigned to the newest Battlestar in the fleet; the Galactica. After a decade of the Cyclon War Adama is asked to go on a very dangerous mission which could turn the war in the Colonies favor. The series will emulate the BSG remake which debuted with a 2 hour television movie to see what type of fan following they can get before they choose to invest the money into a full out syndicated show. It will take place inbetween the event's of Caprica and the 2004 BSG series.
So it should be interesting to see how much they can kill or attempt to retrieve the BSG franchise. My concern is that the concept art for Blood and Chrome hints at human Cylon's and that is already screwing with the story arch.
For more pics go to
Lunar Eclipse
I'll admit, I really wanted to post something to mock this event which was 372 years in the making. I even had a title for my post; The Meh-oon. But, when I got out there in the frigid cold and looked up at the sky, I gotta say, all of our gadgets and media outlets pale in comparison to the show that nature gives us. It also reminded me that my iPhone has a shittacular camera.
Monday, December 20, 2010
5 Days Till Geekmas Epic Gift Ideas
The malls are packed. Road rage and blood is spilling onto the streets. Kids are poking a minimum wage Santa who just finished cleaning the puke out of his beard in the eye screaming for a Zhu Zhu Pet. That can mean only one thing; It's the final week till Christmas!
Yesterday I showed off the extremely hard to find Limited Edition Star Wars Varsity Jacket by Adidas. So it only seems proper to give the competition a fair shake while at the same time showing off another geektastic upgrade to your wardrobe. The sneakers.
Nothing is better then a nice pair of kicks. Unless you can get a nice pair of kicks inspired by the Delorean. Already there are people calling these Nike designed and manufactured sneakers the Back to the Future Nike Sneakers. Well first off, Marty McFly's sneakers were Nike sneakers. Secondly, do you see self lacing and a glowing logo anywhere? Didn't think so. No, these are not the Back to the Future kicks which we have all been longing for since the 80's. These are the DMC Delorean Dunk's. So yes, these aren't the shoes inspired by Back to the Future but they are the shoes which are a tribute to the most important element of Back to the Future. That element, of coarse being the Delorean.
These kicks come with multi-colored soles, matted silver outer covering to emulate the Delorean's brushed stainless steel body, and the DMC logo keeping the Swoosh company on the tongue. Now let's be honest with ourselves; not too many people can pull these shoes off. However, if you are an avid sneakerhead this is definitely a piece you should add to your collection.
Fun fact: The future in which Marty traveled to took place in the year 2015. That is only 5 years away. Yet my busted ass neon seems to only leave the ground when it gets jacked up for an oil change.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
6 Days Till Geekmas Epic Gift Ideas
The calm before the storm. It is now the Sunday of the final weekend before Christmas. The chaos will now just triple until the eventual yule tide orgasm of the holidays culmination. So I thought it would be fun that for the next 5 days to cover some of the epic gifts which we all want but it's likely too late to find.
But, for this Geekmas countdown, instead of covering that same boring gadgets that the media outlets are covering (*cough*iPad*cough*) I decided to find the gear which the true geeks and fanboys would love to own.
So the first gift should actually be my number one but since there is no particular order I had to talk about this item first. The Limited Edition Star Wars Varsity Jacket made by Adidas. Adidas is quickly becoming my favorite company after they teemed up with Lucas to create coats, track jackets, kicks, hoodies, shirts, jerseys, polo shirts, and more all Star Wars themed for the trendy fanboys out there. But nothing beats the Varsity Jacket.
The one pictured above comes in the iconic Adidas black and white which goes great with the Empire aesthetic. On the front is the DS (Dark Side) letters with Dark Side Imperials 77. Beneith the Imperials year in red stitching is Kessel Run Invitational, Alderaan Memorial Cup '77, Tattooine Raid '77, and Hoth Snow Bowl '80. The left is adorned with 3 TIE Fighters. Each TIE is labeled "Winter Galactic Cup" with the years 1977, 1980, and 1983. (If you don't know the significance of the years then please stop now and LEAVE THIS BLOG!) On the right arms is the Adidas logo with the original Star Wars title font. Finally, the back piece is the balls of the jacket. A Stormtrooper helmet with cross blasters and the words "Super Death Star".
I can't say enough about how EPIC this jacket is. Here's the problem: Nearly all Star Wars Adidas Varsity Jackets are sold out. Having started out at only $99 bucks, I've seen them go on ebay for about $400 dollars now.
However, if you are a sneakerhead there is still hope. You can also buy the matching kicks online from anywhere between $112 - $150 Washington's.
To see more photos of the Limited Edition Star Wars Varsity Jacket by Adidas go to
To check out and possibly purchase the matching kicks you'll have to hunt them down but I'll help you out
And to just see what pittens is left in the Adidas store go to
But, for this Geekmas countdown, instead of covering that same boring gadgets that the media outlets are covering (*cough*iPad*cough*) I decided to find the gear which the true geeks and fanboys would love to own.
So the first gift should actually be my number one but since there is no particular order I had to talk about this item first. The Limited Edition Star Wars Varsity Jacket made by Adidas. Adidas is quickly becoming my favorite company after they teemed up with Lucas to create coats, track jackets, kicks, hoodies, shirts, jerseys, polo shirts, and more all Star Wars themed for the trendy fanboys out there. But nothing beats the Varsity Jacket.
The one pictured above comes in the iconic Adidas black and white which goes great with the Empire aesthetic. On the front is the DS (Dark Side) letters with Dark Side Imperials 77. Beneith the Imperials year in red stitching is Kessel Run Invitational, Alderaan Memorial Cup '77, Tattooine Raid '77, and Hoth Snow Bowl '80. The left is adorned with 3 TIE Fighters. Each TIE is labeled "Winter Galactic Cup" with the years 1977, 1980, and 1983. (If you don't know the significance of the years then please stop now and LEAVE THIS BLOG!) On the right arms is the Adidas logo with the original Star Wars title font. Finally, the back piece is the balls of the jacket. A Stormtrooper helmet with cross blasters and the words "Super Death Star".
I can't say enough about how EPIC this jacket is. Here's the problem: Nearly all Star Wars Adidas Varsity Jackets are sold out. Having started out at only $99 bucks, I've seen them go on ebay for about $400 dollars now.
However, if you are a sneakerhead there is still hope. You can also buy the matching kicks online from anywhere between $112 - $150 Washington's.
To see more photos of the Limited Edition Star Wars Varsity Jacket by Adidas go to
To check out and possibly purchase the matching kicks you'll have to hunt them down but I'll help you out
And to just see what pittens is left in the Adidas store go to
Possible Christmas Miracle For 911 First Responders
So there may be hope yet for a bill that will help with the medical needs of 911 First Responders. I can't fuckin believe that I even need to say that there MAY be HOPE for a bill that will HELP with the MEDICAL NEEDS of 911 FIRST RESPONDERS. Never-the-less, recently the dickless vortex of stupidity cowards that is the congressional Republican't Party blocked a $7.4 billion dollar health care and compensation bill for First Responders suffering medical conditions for acting heroic the day of and following September 11th. But now, New York Senator Kirsten Gillibrand said on Saturday that it looks as if an agreement between Democrats and Republicans to offset the cost has been made and a vote looks likely for next week just days before the Congress convenes the 111th Congress for good.
The original bill was put for a test vote on December 9th and received a 57-42 count with Congressional human stains (Republicans) blocking the measure with a filibuster and keeping the measure from moving to the floor for debate and a final vote.
Since then the public outrage of the blockage has been flooding Washington. Fox News talking head Shepard Smith unloaded his frustration on the air at blockers of the legislation and Comedy Central's Jon Stewart dedicated the entire final 2010 episode of The Daily Show to the First Responders.
So here's hoping the GOP doesn't snake back out of their hole and block the measure once again. I just want to know, where is the Republicans higher moral authority and dedication to Jesus when they pull bullshit like this? How is no one embarrassed to call themselves Republican now? Oh, that's right, that's why the TEA Party is taking over. Disgrace to Abraham Lincoln. Disgrace to America.
Nike City Destroyer London Pack
Many.....ok, most of my friends would be surprised to find out that I am a bit of a whore for good fashion design being that I live in a black hoodie. To this day I am still having dreams of the Adidas Limited Edition Death Star Imperials Star Wars Varsity Jacket which I was unable to get my hands on. But this piece by Nike is almost as cool.
This jacket is an extension of Nike's 'Destroy to Create' event. Every jacket comes with a complimentary hand signed and numbered print by Harry Malt showing a destroyed image of 'The Gallows' along with a Duffy designed metal pin. Best of all the jacket comes, not in a bag or a regular box, but in a detailed leather and wool suitcase. EVERYTHING should be sold in a suitcase. Not to mention that all the black and red detail really speaks to a person like me.
Ready for the downside? There are only 35 units sold, they are only being sold in the UK, and the starting price is 300 pounds. Well, we can pretend.
To see more pics go to
This jacket is an extension of Nike's 'Destroy to Create' event. Every jacket comes with a complimentary hand signed and numbered print by Harry Malt showing a destroyed image of 'The Gallows' along with a Duffy designed metal pin. Best of all the jacket comes, not in a bag or a regular box, but in a detailed leather and wool suitcase. EVERYTHING should be sold in a suitcase. Not to mention that all the black and red detail really speaks to a person like me.
Ready for the downside? There are only 35 units sold, they are only being sold in the UK, and the starting price is 300 pounds. Well, we can pretend.
To see more pics go to
The Last Airbender Review
So despite the warnings from many of my friends I decided that a Saturday night to myself gave me the perfect opportunity to check out M. Night Shyamalan's The Last Airbender film. And being that I was a pretty big fan of the animated series I have to say, I never thought I could hate M. Night more and then he raised the bar. What a piece of garbage that was.
My first question to M. Night would be, since he wrote, produced and directed the film, had he actually even watched the animated series?
First off the casting was terrible. The entire film I kept getting distracted by Aasif Mandvi of The Daily Show attempting to play the evil Commander Zhao. The script was a nightmare. It felt less like a film and more like a PBS special that didn't trust the audience to figure out the premise on it's own so it just narrated it to them. And the special fx were also nothing to write home about.
In comparison of the series to the film they fucked up across the board. Aang lost that playfulness which he uses as a distraction from the weight of the responsibility at hand. Sokka was more miserable then the funny stumbling comedic relief. Katara wasn't able to capture the beacon of hope that she had in the show. Prince Zuko was attempting to be the deep tortured soul but just came off as over done. The Fire Lord was not menacing in the least. In fact, the only character which seemed interesting was Zuko's uncle Iroh.
And if M. Night couldn't have beaten this to death enough, the filming was especially terrible considering the career the man has had. The entire movie was rushed. You didn't get a chance to care about the character's. There was no emotion felt especially during the scene when Aang finds out about the genocide of his people. Then, the final setting within the northern water stronghold just dragged on up until a very anti-climactic ending.
Everything about this film was trash. The over stylized fight scenes, the fact that the villains always seemed to just stand around and wait to get hit, the bland sets, the robotic acting, the choppiness of the script, etc etc etc. I honestly feel as if I just sat through the most expensive high school play I had ever seen.
Add this one up to the growing trash pile of M. Night films right after Unbreakable (The villain was the ultimate breakable man. He could have sneezed on the brother and killed him. I'll give it a point though because the villain is a rare comic book dealer.), Signs (extraterrestrials flew billions of light years in highly advanced space crafts but die if you spill water on them. The unspoken hero of that film was a clumsy bus boy.), The Village (Twilight Zone rip off that I figured out within 10 minutes.), Lady in the Water (I don't wanna talk about.), The Happening (Nothing happened that whole film.), and Devil (Boring.). Honestly, the only thing we can think M. Night for at the end of The Last Airbender was that he didn't put in some stupid twist.
But of coarse, this is Hollywood and crap directors always get more jobs. How else can you explain the career of Uwe Boll. So M. Night is currently in production of the films One Thousand A.E. and another Bruce Willis flick entitled The Connected. After these 2 abortions M. Night would like to produce a sequel to The Last Airbender. I have a better idea. Instead, M. Night should pretend he never made The Last Airbender because we are all pretending that we never saw it. Then, they should hand off the franchise to the creative master that is Guillermo del Toro. Atleast with del Toro if the dialogue is shit it will still be visually stunning.
Final Grade: F
In the scale of Burn It, Wait and Rent It, Wait and Buy It, Go and See It, Obsess Over It, Turn It Into A Religion: I say burn it but I'm pretty sure not even hell will accept this awful afterbirth of an amazing television series.
My first question to M. Night would be, since he wrote, produced and directed the film, had he actually even watched the animated series?
First off the casting was terrible. The entire film I kept getting distracted by Aasif Mandvi of The Daily Show attempting to play the evil Commander Zhao. The script was a nightmare. It felt less like a film and more like a PBS special that didn't trust the audience to figure out the premise on it's own so it just narrated it to them. And the special fx were also nothing to write home about.
In comparison of the series to the film they fucked up across the board. Aang lost that playfulness which he uses as a distraction from the weight of the responsibility at hand. Sokka was more miserable then the funny stumbling comedic relief. Katara wasn't able to capture the beacon of hope that she had in the show. Prince Zuko was attempting to be the deep tortured soul but just came off as over done. The Fire Lord was not menacing in the least. In fact, the only character which seemed interesting was Zuko's uncle Iroh.
And if M. Night couldn't have beaten this to death enough, the filming was especially terrible considering the career the man has had. The entire movie was rushed. You didn't get a chance to care about the character's. There was no emotion felt especially during the scene when Aang finds out about the genocide of his people. Then, the final setting within the northern water stronghold just dragged on up until a very anti-climactic ending.
Everything about this film was trash. The over stylized fight scenes, the fact that the villains always seemed to just stand around and wait to get hit, the bland sets, the robotic acting, the choppiness of the script, etc etc etc. I honestly feel as if I just sat through the most expensive high school play I had ever seen.
Add this one up to the growing trash pile of M. Night films right after Unbreakable (The villain was the ultimate breakable man. He could have sneezed on the brother and killed him. I'll give it a point though because the villain is a rare comic book dealer.), Signs (extraterrestrials flew billions of light years in highly advanced space crafts but die if you spill water on them. The unspoken hero of that film was a clumsy bus boy.), The Village (Twilight Zone rip off that I figured out within 10 minutes.), Lady in the Water (I don't wanna talk about.), The Happening (Nothing happened that whole film.), and Devil (Boring.). Honestly, the only thing we can think M. Night for at the end of The Last Airbender was that he didn't put in some stupid twist.
But of coarse, this is Hollywood and crap directors always get more jobs. How else can you explain the career of Uwe Boll. So M. Night is currently in production of the films One Thousand A.E. and another Bruce Willis flick entitled The Connected. After these 2 abortions M. Night would like to produce a sequel to The Last Airbender. I have a better idea. Instead, M. Night should pretend he never made The Last Airbender because we are all pretending that we never saw it. Then, they should hand off the franchise to the creative master that is Guillermo del Toro. Atleast with del Toro if the dialogue is shit it will still be visually stunning.
Final Grade: F
In the scale of Burn It, Wait and Rent It, Wait and Buy It, Go and See It, Obsess Over It, Turn It Into A Religion: I say burn it but I'm pretty sure not even hell will accept this awful afterbirth of an amazing television series.
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Don't Ask, Don't Tell Repealed!!!
A week before Christmas a discriminatory Congressional rule which actually required soldiers to be dishonest to their commanding officers has been overturned.
The 17 year old Don't Ask, Don't Tell rule which required patriotic gay Americans who risk their lives for our nation not tell anyone that they are gay or face consequences from military brass has ended.
The story of Don't Ask Don't Tell follows an over 200 year tradition of military discrimination against gays and lesbians. In fact, it was under George Washington's Continental Army during the Revolutionary War that the first individual was discharged for being gay. In 1778, Lieutenant Gotthold Frederick Enslin was discharged from the army for violating the U.S. military anti-sodomy code. George Washington called Enslin's actions "Abhorrence & Detestation of such Infamous Crimes" before the court martial tribunal. Enslin was then found guilty, dishonorably discharged, and shamed before the entire camp in a parade march down to the Schuylkill river where he was warned to never be seen in camp again.
For decades after, the military had a strong "No Gays in the Military" rule. Many in the military even went so far as to consider homosexuality a mental disease that could threaten the security of the nation if gays were allowed to serve. In 1950, the Congress, being backed by the Truman Administration, passed policies in the Uniform Code of Military Justice as to handle the discharge of gay soldiers (*giggle*). Throughout a majority of our history in this country the military was anti-gay even while gays were defending our freedoms and the President, acting as Commander-in-Chief, has had complete authority to uphold or repeal the ban. It wasn't until the 42nd President was elected before the anti-gay military culture was threatened.
The Jazz Man himself, Bill Clinton, had run on the idea of allowing gays to fully serve in our armed forces. Almost immediately after his election many conservative groups began to attack what they called Clinton's Pink Army. In order to keep Clinton from opening the way for gay/straight integration into the service the Republican controlled Congress began putting together a legislative package which would strip the President from having the power to allow gays to serve and then issue a blanket ban on gays in the military. However, a compromise between the conservative Congress and the Clinton White House was made. The compromise was that no gay soldier could serve and be open about their sexual orientation and in return the military won't seek out gays in the witch hunt fashion which they have been engaged in. This compromise became known as "Don't Ask, Don't Tell, Don't Pursue". A provision of "Don't Harass" was later added to protect against anti-gay soldiers who took it upon themselves to weed out the gays in the military. But we all know this as "Don't Ask, Don't Tell".
Since it's inception DADT has been challenged several times. And in those times 4 federal courts upheld the legality of DADT despite the overwhelming evidence that the policy violates the First and Fifth Amendments of the Constitution. But the winds of change began during the 2008 Presidential election.
Then Senator Barack Obama was very open about his intention to fight for a full repeal of DADT once he was elected President. Unfortunately for many gay service members the issues of economic recovery and health care took center stage throughout 2009 and a fourth of 2010. It could be seen as early as March 2010, however, that the Administration was not willing to allow the year to end with DADT still on the books.
At first the repeal was hidden within the Defense Authorization Act but captain homophobe himself John McCain led several Republicans to block it's passage. Then the White House organized studies to help appease fears of what a sexually integrated military would mean for America. An ending DADT survey was given to 400,000 service members asking them what they felt would happen if DADT was repealed. With the 100,000 that chose to respond, 70% said that they would "work together to get the job done." Republicans though issued a statement that the response was due largely because soldiers felt that DADT was dead in the water anyway. It became very clear that if Obama and the Democrats wanted the policy ended they would have to kill it with or without Republicans.
On December 16th, 2010, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi called for a vote on the full repeal of Don't Ask Don't Tell. Following the debate the measure passed 250-175. All eyes were on the Senate. Republicans were already preparing to filibuster the bill stating that they would not allow the Democrats to "weaken" our military by allowing gays to serve openly. In the end the homophobes lost. Though a filibuster was attempted, a cloture vote to open debate and vote on the repeal went to the floor after the filibuster was broken by a 63-33 vote in the early hours of December 18th, 2010.
The final vote to repeal was then tallied at 65-31. Six Republican Senators crossed the aisle to fight to end bigotry. Susan Collins of Maine, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, Mark Kirk of Illinois, Scott Brown of Massachusetts, Olympia Snowe of Maine, and George Voinovich of Ohio. The bipartisan killing of this policy is what helps make this day an historic one.
Republicans are already stewing in their hate. Georgian Republican Saxby Chambliss attempted not to shoot bile from his fat over stuffed gullet by stating "This has nothing to do with gays and lesbians who have given valuable service to our military..." however he went on to agree that the ending of DADT will somehow weaken our armed forces.
The GOP is also now threatening that because they had to vote on both the DREAM Act and the repeal of DADT that they will do everything in their power to block a vote on the US-Russian nuclear non-proliferation treaty called the START Treaty. A treaty which has been seen as the greatest piece of nuclear non-proliferation legislation since Reagan and has been supported by former President George W. Bush.
Either way the politicians will bicker but today is a GREAT day for freedom and equality in America. Just another step toward the day when the LGBT community will be seen as part of our culture and not a subculture. The day when gays can be married and the day when America will elect it's first openly gay President.
The 17 year old Don't Ask, Don't Tell rule which required patriotic gay Americans who risk their lives for our nation not tell anyone that they are gay or face consequences from military brass has ended.
The story of Don't Ask Don't Tell follows an over 200 year tradition of military discrimination against gays and lesbians. In fact, it was under George Washington's Continental Army during the Revolutionary War that the first individual was discharged for being gay. In 1778, Lieutenant Gotthold Frederick Enslin was discharged from the army for violating the U.S. military anti-sodomy code. George Washington called Enslin's actions "Abhorrence & Detestation of such Infamous Crimes" before the court martial tribunal. Enslin was then found guilty, dishonorably discharged, and shamed before the entire camp in a parade march down to the Schuylkill river where he was warned to never be seen in camp again.
For decades after, the military had a strong "No Gays in the Military" rule. Many in the military even went so far as to consider homosexuality a mental disease that could threaten the security of the nation if gays were allowed to serve. In 1950, the Congress, being backed by the Truman Administration, passed policies in the Uniform Code of Military Justice as to handle the discharge of gay soldiers (*giggle*). Throughout a majority of our history in this country the military was anti-gay even while gays were defending our freedoms and the President, acting as Commander-in-Chief, has had complete authority to uphold or repeal the ban. It wasn't until the 42nd President was elected before the anti-gay military culture was threatened.
The Jazz Man himself, Bill Clinton, had run on the idea of allowing gays to fully serve in our armed forces. Almost immediately after his election many conservative groups began to attack what they called Clinton's Pink Army. In order to keep Clinton from opening the way for gay/straight integration into the service the Republican controlled Congress began putting together a legislative package which would strip the President from having the power to allow gays to serve and then issue a blanket ban on gays in the military. However, a compromise between the conservative Congress and the Clinton White House was made. The compromise was that no gay soldier could serve and be open about their sexual orientation and in return the military won't seek out gays in the witch hunt fashion which they have been engaged in. This compromise became known as "Don't Ask, Don't Tell, Don't Pursue". A provision of "Don't Harass" was later added to protect against anti-gay soldiers who took it upon themselves to weed out the gays in the military. But we all know this as "Don't Ask, Don't Tell".
Since it's inception DADT has been challenged several times. And in those times 4 federal courts upheld the legality of DADT despite the overwhelming evidence that the policy violates the First and Fifth Amendments of the Constitution. But the winds of change began during the 2008 Presidential election.
Then Senator Barack Obama was very open about his intention to fight for a full repeal of DADT once he was elected President. Unfortunately for many gay service members the issues of economic recovery and health care took center stage throughout 2009 and a fourth of 2010. It could be seen as early as March 2010, however, that the Administration was not willing to allow the year to end with DADT still on the books.
At first the repeal was hidden within the Defense Authorization Act but captain homophobe himself John McCain led several Republicans to block it's passage. Then the White House organized studies to help appease fears of what a sexually integrated military would mean for America. An ending DADT survey was given to 400,000 service members asking them what they felt would happen if DADT was repealed. With the 100,000 that chose to respond, 70% said that they would "work together to get the job done." Republicans though issued a statement that the response was due largely because soldiers felt that DADT was dead in the water anyway. It became very clear that if Obama and the Democrats wanted the policy ended they would have to kill it with or without Republicans.
On December 16th, 2010, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi called for a vote on the full repeal of Don't Ask Don't Tell. Following the debate the measure passed 250-175. All eyes were on the Senate. Republicans were already preparing to filibuster the bill stating that they would not allow the Democrats to "weaken" our military by allowing gays to serve openly. In the end the homophobes lost. Though a filibuster was attempted, a cloture vote to open debate and vote on the repeal went to the floor after the filibuster was broken by a 63-33 vote in the early hours of December 18th, 2010.
The final vote to repeal was then tallied at 65-31. Six Republican Senators crossed the aisle to fight to end bigotry. Susan Collins of Maine, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, Mark Kirk of Illinois, Scott Brown of Massachusetts, Olympia Snowe of Maine, and George Voinovich of Ohio. The bipartisan killing of this policy is what helps make this day an historic one.
Republicans are already stewing in their hate. Georgian Republican Saxby Chambliss attempted not to shoot bile from his fat over stuffed gullet by stating "This has nothing to do with gays and lesbians who have given valuable service to our military..." however he went on to agree that the ending of DADT will somehow weaken our armed forces.
The GOP is also now threatening that because they had to vote on both the DREAM Act and the repeal of DADT that they will do everything in their power to block a vote on the US-Russian nuclear non-proliferation treaty called the START Treaty. A treaty which has been seen as the greatest piece of nuclear non-proliferation legislation since Reagan and has been supported by former President George W. Bush.
Either way the politicians will bicker but today is a GREAT day for freedom and equality in America. Just another step toward the day when the LGBT community will be seen as part of our culture and not a subculture. The day when gays can be married and the day when America will elect it's first openly gay President.
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