Originally I was going to add this as one of my Geekmas gift ideas but being that it won't be released until next year I decided to throw it in as a bonus.
What you see before you is the latest work by the master of merchandising himself, George Lucas. Titled 'Star Wars: Frames', George Lucas and the Skywalker crew spent 5 years painfully going through roughly 200,000 frames per film of 6 films to choose 1400 of their favorites which they feel represents the ultimate essence and cinematic beauty which is the Star Wars Saga.
Each crystal clear wide screen page is hand sown into the cover which is then protected by a Japanese silk cloth bound slip case. They are then ready for shelf display protected by the wood inlay trunk with a Vader medallion on one side and a Yoda medallion on the other. As if you couldn't be geekgasming enough, it is the only official Star Wars merchandise released with George Lucas's John Hancock scribbled across the letter of authenticity which accompanies it.
Of coarse, anything this amazing has a downside. The first downside is that this collection will cost you three thousand of your very hard earned greenbacks. That's a 17-inch Macbook Pro with a 2.53GHz Intel Core i5. But if that is no obstacle for you then the fact that they only made 1,138 of them might. Why such a strange number? Well, Lucas being such a humble man (yeah right) chose this number in homage to his first feature THX-1138.
So if you have 3 grand get to your computer early because they go on sale exclusively at starwars.com on January 8th, 2011. If nothing else, we can all appreciate the master craftsmanship and dedication that went into making this collection and hope that someone very stupid in the near future throws one up on ebay.
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