Sunday, December 19, 2010

Possible Christmas Miracle For 911 First Responders

So there may be hope yet for a bill that will help with the medical needs of 911 First Responders. I can't fuckin believe that I even need to say that there MAY be HOPE for a bill that will HELP with the MEDICAL NEEDS of 911 FIRST RESPONDERS. Never-the-less, recently the dickless vortex of stupidity cowards that is the congressional Republican't Party blocked a $7.4 billion dollar health care and compensation bill for First Responders suffering medical conditions for acting heroic the day of and following September 11th. But now, New York Senator Kirsten Gillibrand said on Saturday that it looks as if an agreement between Democrats and Republicans to offset the cost has been made and a vote looks likely for next week just days before the Congress convenes the 111th Congress for good.

The original bill was put for a test vote on December 9th and received a 57-42 count with Congressional human stains (Republicans) blocking the measure with a filibuster and keeping the measure from moving to the floor for debate and a final vote.

Since then the public outrage of the blockage has been flooding Washington. Fox News talking head Shepard Smith unloaded his frustration on the air at blockers of the legislation and Comedy Central's Jon Stewart dedicated the entire final 2010 episode of The Daily Show to the First Responders.

So here's hoping the GOP doesn't snake back out of their hole and block the measure once again. I just want to know, where is the Republicans higher moral authority and dedication to Jesus when they pull bullshit like this? How is no one embarrassed to call themselves Republican now? Oh, that's right, that's why the TEA Party is taking over. Disgrace to Abraham Lincoln. Disgrace to America.

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