Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Sons Of Seventy-Six

From as far back as I can remember I have been a student of history. I have never been able to understand the mentality of "Well, it's over so let's forget about it and move on." After all, how can you move forward if you don't know where you've been?

This love of history has also helped me out as I became passionate about politics. It has helped me out in the way that when I am in the midst of a political debate, instead of the reactionary emotional ramblings which most people tend to serve up, I attempt to make my logic sound by backing my reasoning with facts. In fact, this led one neanderthal to call me a "factoid bitch" because I was offering sound proof of my convictions instead of conspiracy and paranoia.

Politics is the reason I joined social networking. My Myspace page could have been called Obama 2008 and once Obama won the election I deleted my Myspace page. Then in 2009 I joined Facebook in order to have a larger audience to discuss politics with. But Facebook began clamping down on how verbose one can be so in November of this year I launched my first blog.

My first iteration didn't work out so well. No one seemed interested in it and I began to hate it myself so I cut the chord. My second iteration, this one, was more casual and more fun and covered a wider array of topics including politics. To my surprise I have gotten a great reaction from people for Cbot. But Cbot is too casual for my politics. So to the dismay of many people I'm sure, I am launching a spinoff blog called Sons of Seventy-Six.

Sons of Seventy-Six had been in my head before Gov.0 and before Cbot. It came out of my frustration for the political climate on both the right and the left.

How is it that conservatives have become so successful at cornering the market on the Constitution and their admiration for the Founding Fathers without any type of challenge from the left? And, as if that doesn't already tarnish the left enough, liberalism and progressivism seems to have been willfully hijacked by limousine liberals who require as much of a litmus test to join their movement as the very people who they are in opposition too.

Many times I find myself in a political purgatory. Not being conservative but also not being liberal enough. If I was to classify myself at this moment I would say that I am more of a libertarian Democrat. Or, as I've been calling myself, an Obama Democrat. I am socially liberal but I find myself agreeing with conservatives on some issues as well. I believe that capitalism balanced between free market and a government by the people and for the people is the only way for the people to stay free. I support the Second Amendment but only when common sense applies. I believe in animal rights and I love my meat at the same time. I am pro-choice which is the reason I support preventive care beginning at the educational level. I'll march with teachers unions while wanting to give vouchers a try. And I don't believe that the only choice with healthcare in corporate controlled healthcare or government controlled healthcare. And these middle path beliefs tend to alienate me from both persuasions.

America is a nation built upon the middle path. It is the reason for an Executive Branch at the federal level but states rights at the individual basis as well. It is the reason why Congress was specifically designed to be a deadlocked institution. Many people complain that Congress moves too slow but that is by design. Allowing our representatives to take a breath. Sons of Seventy-Six is a middle path blog.

Inspired by the Sons of Liberty who helped to spark the revolution, we are all children of seventy-six. Our freedom's were based during the Age of Enlightenment which was a time when intellectualism was celebrated, not scorned.

Sons of Seventy-Six is not a site for the hardcore conservatives or liberals. In other words it is not a path for sheep to follow. It is place which celebrates our history and yet warns against some of the dark detours this nation has taken. It is a blog which holds our Constitution dear as a living document in which both sides of the aisle can be proud of, not a lifeless dried up piece of paper clung to by only one movement. It is an online journal which covers modern day politics, parallels them with the past no matter what that past is, and shows our history as an indicator of where we are going.

So please, join me at and on facebook at and I promise you that these will be my last blogs.

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