Make sure you remember to bring your snowboard with you to hell because there is fresh powder on that brimstone and we have Pat Robertson to thank for that.
If you don't know who Pat Robertson is, Pat Robertson is a piece of shit. Need more? Alrighty. Pat Roberston is a piece of evangelical shit who has founded such organizations and corporations as the 700 Club, The Christian Broadcast Network, the Christian Coalition (A place for all of America's fundamentalists.), Operation Blessing International Relief and Development Corporation (A non-profit organization that Robertson used to support his diamond mining venture.), and the American Center for Law and Justice (An anti-ACLU organization that attempts to inject Christianity into our government and attack other religions attempts to do the same while at the same time going after the reproductive rights of women and the civil rights of homosexuals.). Not to mention that while he opposes American abortions he supports Chinese abortions, has called Scotland a "dark land" overrun by homosexuals, called for the assassination of another nations leader, insinuated that God had rejected to people of Dover, Pennsylvania because they didn't want the mindless drivel of intelligent design taught in their children's schools, and stated that the 2010 earthquake in Haiti was the fault of the Haitian ancestors who had apparently made a pact with the devil in order to no longer be slaves to the French and so 206 years later God decided to punish them. Damn, the Lord sure does take his sweet fuckin time doesn't he? Laziest God ever.
So like I said, Pat Robertson is a subhuman piece of shit that dribbled from his mothers rear during his fathers ventures into sodomy and got her pregnant. Or as most of us call it an ass cum kid......did I mention that this site is by no means PG-13?
But every so often Pat can surprise you. No, not the times when he claims that he has spoken to God and that the end of life as we know it is near. This time in particular has to do with Pat being pro pot. On his show, the 700 Club, Pat Robertson highlighted conservatives who are moving from the idea of getting tough on crime to instead being smart on crime. In a segment a group called Right on Crime ( spoke about the money pit that is the American prison system and what they feel they can do to change it, improve public safety, and save billions along the way. It includes cheaper alternatives to prison such as drug rehab, taking crimes off the books that most in modern day America do not see as crimes, encourage mentor ship programs in prisons, and opening faith based dorms.
Robertson himself took it even a step further. "We are locking up people that take a couple puffs of marijuana and the next thing they know they got ten years.....we gotta take a look at what we consider crimes." Robertson said. Robertson expanded on this idea speaking out against mandatory minimum sentences and saying that the criminalization of marijuana has cost the nation a fortune to enforce and that it is "ruining young people".
So there you have it. Pat Robertson pulled his head out of his ass long enough to promote the legalization of marijuana.
[People react to the news of Pro Pot Pat]
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